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What Do I Miss The Most?

So, you may wonder–what exactly do I miss the most about living in South Africa? Well, obviously there are family and friends. Even as time passes, it never gets easier living away from the ones I love.

But, there is one other thing I miss a tad whole darn lot.

Oh my goodness, do I miss this!

I take three days to clean my house–and then I start all over again. They clean it from top to bottom in a couple of hours.

They watch the kids. Best Babysitters!

They pack the groceries away.

They clean the windows.

They dust everything at least once a week.

They clean the floors daily (!).

They do the laundry (plus ironing) every day.

They pack your closets and make sure they are always neat and tidy.

At the end of the day, they pick up a thousand toys lying around the house.

They cook meals.

They become part of your family.

Yes, it is one of those things that I really miss about living in my country.

Who are these amazing people?


They love on your babies at a wedding.

They love and cuddle, and love and cuddle, and then…when the baby gets passed on to someone else…

They party! What would a wedding be without some dancing–African style?

Only in Africa!

Heck–what in the world am I doing living in the USA?

Oh yes, GOD!

Best I go and pack away six loads of laundry lying on the living room floor 😉
