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worth sharing

A dear friend sent me this very, very sweet link.  Anthony and I watched it through tears.  I know that every parent who has both “typical” and “special needs” children can so relate to this tender story of a brother and his sister.  It touched my heart so deeply.  Too precious not to share.

I pray that my children too will get itYou can watch it here.

We have had such a beautiful day.  God’s blessings and the way He gently leads us down paths we never imagined or saw coming just amazes me.  We are so very thankful for His grace, His mercy, and His extravagant love showered down upon us.

Also, I have an on-going problem with the commenting system on my blog.  Some comments go to Disqus (which is visible) and others don’t.  Yesterday I got a comment from Julie Van H.  Julie, I would LOVE to get in touch with you, but there is no e-mail address.  Could you please write to me at  [email protected]?  Thanks!

I hope you are all having a stunning weekend with the ones you love.
