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learning thankfulness


Sorry, friends, I made a mistake with the e-mail address.  You can e-mail me at [email protected] for Tony’s address in Iraq.

Thank you for ALL the e-mails I have already received.  You guys have the best hearts ever. Thank you for helping out.


As we raise our children, one of the most important things we try to impart to them is a heart of thankfulness.  To God, to their parents, and to people around them.

With Thanksgiving fast approaching, it is such an amazing time of year to remind our children that we need to be thankful.  That it is a time of Thanksgiving, not Thanksreceiving.

Last week my sweet bloggy friend, Holly, e-mailed me and asked whether we would be interested in sending a birthday card to her dear hubby, who is serving our country (yep, it’s MY country too now) overseas.

What a wonderful opportunity for my children.  Of course we’ll do it, Holly!  What a great teachable moment.  Teaching them that being thankful for people is so much more important to God than being obsessed thankful about stuff. 

If you know Holly, you’ll know that she is such an amazing woman of a mighty God.  While her hubby serves our county overseas, she handles the home front.  She does an amazing job.  Holly’s hubby insisted on no gifts this year (because he wants them put the money toward their next adoption), but still, she wants to be a blessing to him.  So she called on a few friends and asked us to bless him with unexpected birthday cards and messages.

What a fabulous idea.   We’ve always wanted to send a note of encouragement to someone serving on the front line, but never knew anyone.  This was our chance.

Today I put my precious blessings to work.

They had so much fun.

Writing their own messages and drawing master creations.

Thanking a man who they do not know–but do know what he does.  Even in their young minds, they know and understand the sacrifice.

In their own, sweet way, they thanked Tony from the bottom of their hearts.

Yes, indeed, a teachable moment for sure.  People are so much more important than things!

This man misses his dear family more than my heart can ever comprehend.  And how they miss him too.  He has been gone a very long time, and still has a long time to serve overseas.  I’m sure every day feels like a week when your heart is just longing to be home.

Would you and your family consider joining us in sending Tony a card of encouragement with a birthday message? Not only is he missing his family something awful, but he has just lost a very dear family member.  So painful when you’re so far away. Friends, just a simple card with a few handmade notes will encourage his heart so much.  And I know Holly would appreciate it too. 

If you would like to join us, please just e-mail me  at [email protected] and I’ll pass on Tony’s address in Iraq to you. 

Such a simple act of kindness that would mean so very much to an entire family.  Please consider helping out.

Thank you, dear bloggy friends.
