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would you pray, please?

This is going to be a short one.  I have tons to share….but there are times when the things about me, my family, our experiences, and our lives just have to take a backseat.  There is so much pain and suffering everywhere we look.  Sometimes the need to come and share a desperate prayer request is far more worthy and important than just another random post about me sharing my heart on something.

In the last few days my heart has been so burdened for a little boy and his family. Since so many of you opened your hearts to two little boys I advocated for a couple of months ago, you may be familiar with this condition below and what the family I am about to share with you is going through.

Do you remember Carson and John?  The sweet little guys with EB whose family was struggling to get the funds needed to complete their adoption?  Well, the good news is that Carson and John are orphans no more!  This week they were both legally adopted and will be home in the U.S. next week.  Hallelujah!

EB is a debilitating disease.  Back when I was helping the Cannell family with their fundraising and was researching EB, I came across a blog of a mommy who’s precious little boy struggles with the same disease.  My heart broke as I read her stories and saw pics of her sweet Tripp.  There truly are no words to describe the pain and suffering that this little boy goes through on a daily basis.  I cannot even imagine.

This week I read about Tripp’s condition getting worse.  NOTHING…and I mean NOTHING could possibly prepare me for what I saw when I read his mommy’s recent post.  I felt like my heart was being ripped right out of my body!

Dear friends, today I come to you asking for prayers for this young family.  It seems that their boy is nearing that time when he will be escorted into heaven–into the loving arms of Jesus. The time his family knew would come, but oh, how hard it must be!  Tripp is suffering terribly.  His body is covered in painful sores. He is totally bandaged. His family is doing everything they can to keep him comfortable at home–loving him every second of every day they have left with their precious treasure here on earth.

We want this family and their sweet boy to be carried on the wings of eagles during this painful season in their lives.  We want them to know that they are not alone–but that the mighty army of God is praying, believing, trusting and bringing comfort via comments on their blog.

Please would you pray for Tripp and his parents? 

Also, if you feel led, please leave a note of encouragement and love on their blog.  Perhaps a scripture that would minister to their weary hearts.  I know it would mean the world to them.

Thank you so very much.  Thank you for praying for one sweet family walking a road that few are called to walk. 

Oh, and if you wouldn’t mind sharing Tripp’s story with your prayer groups, small groups, blogs, friends, and family…that would also be so wonderful.  It’s the glorious body of Christ in action.

Thanks! You guys are the best!
